Название категории: C-9-6 "Born for Hugs" charity campaign by Huggies
Название участника: ISD Group
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: Huggies Elite Soft diapers
Рекламодатель: Huggies, Kimberly Clark
Резюме кампании: Huggies believes in the power of hugs. They can make miracles happen. Hugs are crucial for infants, especially premature. They help with recovery, growth and development. It is called a Kangaroo care method and is proven all over the world. Yet in Ukraine there's no faith in the hugging method, its underestimated and used only occasionally. That's why Huggies started Born for Hugs initiative, telling mothers and nurses about the power of hugs.The problem was brought to light with an emotional documentary reveilnig a story of a preemie Ivan who was nurtured in his mother's embrace. The goal was to spread the knowledge and drive future and current parents to share the information about the power of hug.
Год: 2017
RATE: 80.00
Название категории: C-9-2 Pay for Peaceful Sleep
Название участника: Agama Digital Group
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: charity – charitable fund
Рекламодатель: Come Back Alive
Резюме кампании: Pay for Peaceful Sleep is the case showing how to creatively solve the problem of decreasing donation for ATO zone army needs caused by the ignorance to the war arising among Ukrainians. Campaign was developed and aired using little investment in creative materials and no investment in media. Yet, as the result, not only did the Fund slowed down the decrease in donations, but also received a new tool for raising funds. The Fund needed an engaging campaign that would be executed with little or no investment and, nevertheless, would help the Fund slow down decrease in donations caused by the fact that Ukrainians had got used to the war in the East. Mobile application (alarm clock) Wake App In Peace, would remind Ukrainians to pay for their peaceful sleep to those who guard it and would easily be used as a tool for transferring money directly to the Fund. For the realization of the idea, we created the mobile application, and developed communication with specially written and performed Lullaby in its center used as ringtone in the alarm clock, tune in advertising materials and separate content. With the help of the application Wake App In Peace and communication around it we have successfully actualized the problem of financing of the Ukrainian Army, slowed down decrease in donations to the Fund «Come Back Alive» and, moreover, created the system of micro donations as an additional tool of raising donations to the Fund.
Год: 2017
RATE: 70.00
Название категории: C-9-4 «Випробуй у безпеці»
Название участника: SMART Marketing
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: Услуга
Рекламодатель: SUN InBev Ukraine
Резюме кампании: Жуткая статистика гласит, что только за 10 месяцев 2017 года было зафиксировано 965 ДТП с участием пьяных водителей, причем погибли 86 человек. Задержала полиция за тот же период около 40 000 выпивших водителей. Внедрение образовательного проекта «Випробуй у безпеці» стало инструментом, который помогает предотвратить подобные ситуации. Основная цель проекта – повысить культуру вождения и сформировать новое поколение водителей, для которых вождение в нетрезвом виде является неприемлемым.
Год: 2017
RATE: 65.00
Название категории: C-9-1 Unity of society
Название участника: GOODMEDIA
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: Strengthening national unity of society
Рекламодатель: Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine
Резюме кампании: The campaign "Strengthening national unity of society" by GOODMEDIA company for Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine. The campaign consists of three videos that go live on all national and regional Ukrainian television channels. The clips are built on an unexplainable game of words, which prompts us to the simplest but most important actions.
Год: 2017
RATE: 65.00
Название категории: C-9-5 “Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!”
Название участника: Компанія
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: Ukrainian cinema
Рекламодатель: BABILON Company (own project)
Резюме кампании: “Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!” is a comprehensive multi-communicative project aimed at promotion of the Ukrainian cinema and dissemination of the civic and moral values through creative means. “Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!” Project Initiators are persuaded, that everyone can influence changes, thereby shaping their own future as well as future of the whole country. “Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!” is a combined efforts of cinematography and business sphere participants. first stage of“Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!” Projectwas the film script Contest «YOUR OWN CINEMA» February 28, 2016 the results of the first contest were announced. In April of the same year preparative process and first films of “Watch Ukrainian – create your Future!” Project film compilation shooting began as of December 2017 11 films were shot after the scripts of «YOUR OWN CINEMA» contest winners (as of now 9 films are being in progress) December 7th 2017 the first stage of Project films compilation screenings started in 30 cinemas/140 screens/over 10 000 showtimes
Год: 2017
RATE: 60.00
Название категории: C-9-3 New Fashion Zone
Название участника: New Fashion Zone
Страна: Украина
Продукт/услуга: Конкурс дизайнеров / образование в индустрии моды
Рекламодатель: New Fashion Zone
Резюме кампании: New Fashion Zone – это социальный проект для развития и продвижения молодых дизайнеров в Украине. Организаторы конкурса делают основную ставку на то, чтобы помочь молодым талантам сделать из хобби собственный бизнес и громко заявить о себе не только на территории собственной страны. На базе конкурса создана сильная образовательная платформа, NFZ Community, в сфере моды и дизайна, а также новейших технологий маркетинга и ПР, которые можно применить к разным отраслям. За 3 года: проведено 3 Конкурса, получено свыше 700 заявок на участие, 100 финалистов, среди жюри конкурса, экспертов и advisory board платформы – 150 лидеров индустрии Украины и мира, отшито 5 коллекций совместно с дизайнерами-участниками конкурса NFZ, проведено ряд обучающих тренингов (преподаватели: редакторы моды крупных глянцев, представители JUST A LABEL, известные украинские дизайнеры, бизнес-консультанты, генеральный продюсер Чешской недели моды), проведена Конференция Fashion Fly (150 человек)
Год: 2017
RATE: 47.56
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